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- Republic of Cuba
- socialistic republic with one-party-system
- own name: República de Cuba
• Flags
• Historical Flags
• Meaning/Origin of the Flag
• Coat of Arms
• Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms
• Aircraft Roundel
• Map
• Numbers and Facts
• History
• Origin of the Country's Name

National, merchant and naval flag,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Wikipedia (D)

Naval jack,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: Wikipedia (D)

Flag of the President,
ratio = 1:1,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

Flag of the Kingdom of New Spain,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

Flag of the Vice-Kingdom of New Spain,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

Flag of Spanish America,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

The flag of Cuba shows an isosceles red triangle on the flagstaff with a white five-pointed star in it, otherwise five transverse stripes in blue and white. It was created for Cuba in the year 1849 – in comparison to nowadays with inverted colours – by the Venezuelan General Narciso López in his New York exile and in it's today's arranging of colours by the Cuban poet Miguel Teurbe Tolon. The flag was in use for the first time at the great Anti-Spanish riot in the year 1850, and officially hoisted as national flag for the first time on the 20th of May in 1902. The red triangle is an emblem of Masonic origin, which stands for freedom, equality and brotherliness, und for the in the struggle for independence given blood. The three blue stripes stand for the then provinces of the state, white stands for purity, equality and peace, and the white star (La Estrella Solitaria) is a symbol for freedom and equality, and should initially express that there has to add a new state to the USA. Red, white and blue are also clear references to the "Stars and Stripes". The flag of Cuba is related with the flag of Puerto Rico. The chromatic colors are nowadays among others defined in Pantone PMS, as red = pt 186, blue = pt 2765. During the Anti-Spanish riot of the year 1868 was in use an other flag by Carlos Manuel de Cespedes. It showed two horizontal stripes in white and blue as well as a red square upper staff quadrant with a white five-pointed star in it. It is still today very popular in Cuba and is in use by the Cuban navy as jack.
Die Welt der Flaggen,
Flaggen und Wappen der Welt,
Flags of the World

Coat of arms of Cuba,
Source: Corel Draw 4

The coat of arms is a design of the poet Miguel Teurbe Tolon and shows in the head of the shield the position of the island by using a golden key (from the coat of arms of Havana) below the rising sun. Above that, as symbol for freedom, a Phrygian Cap above a Liktor's Bundle as symbol of the authority. In the vertically halved shield are to the left slope bars in blue and silver, and on the right a palm tree scenery as symbol for the agrarian structures.
Die Welt der Flaggen,
Flaggen und Wappen der Welt,
Flaggen Wappen Hymnen

Aircraft Roundel,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

Aircraft Roundel,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

since 1962,
Aircraft Roundel,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)


Source: CIA World Factbook
Map of the country:

Source: CIA World Factbook

Area: 42.426 square miles
Inhabitants: 11.300.000 (2020), thereof 64% Europeans, 9% Blacks, 27% Mulattos
Religions: 60% Roman Catholic, 17% Animist, 23% Non-Religious
Density of Population: 266 inh./sq.mi.
Capital: Havanna (Spanish: San Cristóbal de la Habana), 2.121.871 inh. (2014)
official Language: Spanish
Currency: 1 Cuban Peso (CUP, Cub$) = 100 Centavos
Time Zone: GMT – 5 h
Wikipedia (D),
CIA World Factbook

distant past · settlement by the Caribbean Indian tribes of the Guanahatabey, the Siboney and the Taino
1492 · discovery by Christoph Columbus
1500 · discovery of the island's character of the country by Juan de la Cosa
1509 · sail round Cuba by Ocampo
1511 · Spanish colonization by Diego de Velázquez, eradication of the Caribbean natives until 1532
1523 · import of slaves for the plantation agriculture
1850 · Anti-Spanish riot
1868 · end of the slave trading
1868–1878 · Anti-Spanish civil war under the leadership of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, victory of the Spanish
1895 · Anti-Spanish civil war, thousands of victims in Spanish concentration camps
1898 · mysterious explosion of the US-American warship „Maine“ before Havana, US-American military intervention, Spanish-US-American war, peace of Paris: Spain has to cede it's colonial empire – and in this way Cuba – to the bigest part to the USA, the USA install military bases on Cuba (Guantanamo Bay)
1901 · new constitution
20th of May 1902 · Cuba becomes formally independent
1906–1909 · US-American military intervention
1919–1924 · US-American military intervention
1925–1933 · dictatorship of the president Gerardo Machado
1940 · new constitution
1933–1959 · rule of General F. Batista y Zaldivar
1953–1959 · guerilla war of the revolutionar movement of Fidel Castro
1st of January 1959 · overthrow of General Batista
1960 · starting with the economical blockage by the USA
1961 · trial to invade by exile Cubans in the Hog Bay (Playa Girón)
1962 · deploy of soviet missiles, Cuba Crisis
1976 · new constitution, Cuba sends troops to Angola
1977 · Cuba sends momentarily troops to Ethiopia
1991 · withdrawal of the Cuban troops from Angola
1992 · constitutional revision
1993 · withdrawal of the Soviet/Russian troops from Cuba
1994 · heavy economical crisis in Cuba, many Cubans take refuge in the USA
1996 · aggravate of the US sanctions against Cuba by the US-American Helms-Burton Law, the UN condemns in a resolution the embargo of the USA against Cuba
1998 · US sanctions eased
2014 · US sanctions eased
2018 · tightening of US sanctions
2019 · new constitution
Atlas zur Geschichte,
Wikipedia (D),
Discovery '97,

The denomination "Cuba" goes back to the name of the island how it was in use by the Caribbean natives: "Cubanascnan". This goes back to the word "Cubagua", what mens something like this: "place where is to find gold". Columbus, who discovered the island in 1492 gave it initially the name "Juana" (name of the then Spanish princess), but later he used "Fernandina" ('Ferdinand' was the name of the then Spanish king). However, in the end he used the denomination of the natives.
Source: Handbuch der geographischen Namen