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Historical Flags

Meaning/Origin of the Flag

Coat of Arms

Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms


Map of the Federal States of Malysia

Numbers and Facts


Origin of the Country's Name


Flagge Fahne flag National flag Pahang
since 1903,
Flag of Pahang,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Die Welt im bunten Flaggenbild

Flagge Fahne flag Pahang Sultan
since ca. 1948,
Standard of the Sultan,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Die Welt im bunten Flaggenbild


Historical Flags

Flagge Fahne flag Pahang
National flag,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge Fahne flag Pahang
National flag,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge Fahne flag Pahang Sultan
Standard of the Sultan,
Source, by: Die Welt im bunten Flaggenbild

Flagge Fahne flag Pahang Britisch British Resident
Flag of the British Resident,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Pahang Naval jack naval jack
Naval jack of governmental vessels,
Source, by: Flags of the World, Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge Fahne flag Pahang Sultan
Standard of the Sultan,
Source, by: Flaggenbuch 1939

Flagge Fahne flag Japan
Pahang is occupied by Japan,
ratio = 7:10,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

In the 18th and 19th century Pahang was a from the Sultanate of Linnga dependant state, and used its single-coloured black flag, but completed by a white stripe on the leach. As the Dató Bendahara declares itself for a Sultan in 1887, er adoped for his personal use a white flag. White represents in the most Malay states the might and dignity of the Sultan. On 28th of December in 1903 Pahang adoped a new flag: It shows until today two horizontal stripes in white and black. White stands for the Sultan as a locical consequence, black for the people. The Sultan began to add his flag by a golden lance head. Since the end of the Second World War the flag of the Sultan of Pahang shows its today's look.

Source: Die Welt im bunten Flaggenbild, Flaggen Enzyklopädie


Coat of Arms

Wappen Coat of Arms Pahang
Coat of arms of Pahang,
Source: By Sultan of Pahang
(Reviewed from
[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms

The central element of the coat of Arms is an arrowhead, combined with two tusks. At the bottom there is a banner with the name of the state, including in Latin letters.

Source: Die Welt im bunten Flaggenbild, Volker Preuß



Größere Karte anzeigen

Map of the Federal States of Malysia

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interaktive Landkarte

Map: Volker Preuß, to Malaysia? → click or tap here


Numbers and Facts

Area: 13.886 square miles

Inhabitants: 1.591.295 (2020), thereof 75% Malays, 14% Chinese, 4% Indian

Religions: 75% Muslim, 14% Buddhist, 4% Hindu, 2% Christian, 3% Non-Religious

Density of Population: 115 inh./sq.mi.

Capital: Kuantan, 548.014 inh. (2019)

Residence: Pekan, 103.839 inh. (2010)

official Language: Malaysian

other Languages: Chinese, English, Tamil

Currency: Malaysian currency

Time Zone: GMT + 8 h

Source: Wikipedia (EN)



7th–12th cent. · to the Shrividjaja Empire

15th cent. · State of Pahang

17th cent. · Pahang comes under control of the Sultanate of Aceh

18th cent. · Pahang comes under control of the Sultanate of Lingga

1887 · beginning British influence in Pahang, the Dató Bendahara (lower proconsul) of Lingga – he governs Pahang – declares itself to a Sultan → separation from Lingga

1888 · the British declare Pahang to an protectorate

1895 · Perak, Pahang, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan become summarized to the "Federated Malay States" (until 1941)

1941 · Japanese conquest

1945 · withdrawal of the Japanese

1st of April 1946 · formation of the Malay Union by confederation of the Malaysian Sultanates (British protectorates) and the Straits Settlements (British crown colonies), but without Singapore.

1st of February in 1948 · re-organization of the Malaysian Union, creation of the Malaysian Federation under a British High Commissioner

31st of August 1957 · independence and proclamation of the Kingdom of Malaysian Federation

16th of September 1963 · proclamation of the Kingdom of Malaysia by confederation of the Malaysian Federation (Malaya) with the former British colonies Sarawak, Sabah (North Borneo) and Singapore. Brunei rejects the joining and remains at Great Britain

9th of August 1965 · Singapore leaves the Federation of Malaysia

Source: Atlas zur Geschichte, Wikipedia (EN), Die Welt im bunten Flaggenbild


Origin of the Country's Name

The country takes its name from the Pahang River, at the mouth of which lies Pekan, the Sultan's residence.

Source: Wikipedia (EN)


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