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- Umbria
- Region of Italy
- Eigenbezeichnung: Ùmbria
• Flag
• Meaning/Origin of the Flag
• Map of the regions of Italy
• Numbers and Facts
• History
• Origin of the Country's Name

Flag of Umbria,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: Wikipedia (D)

The flag of Umbria is single-coloured green and shows in the middle the emblem of the region. It shows a stylized depiction of three red candles, like they are in use on the occasion of the "wax candles run" to honour St. Ubald of Gubbio.
Source: Wikipedia (D)

all names in Italian

Source: Volker Preuß

Area: 3.265 square miles
Inhabitants: 880.300 (2019)
Density of Population: 270 inh./sq.mi.
Capital: Perùgia, 167.000 inh. (2019)
official Language: Italian
Time Zone: GMT +1h
Source: Wikipedia (D)

6th cent. B.C. · in the today's Umbria settle the Umbrians, which get allies of Rome ca. between 290 B.C. and 260 B.C.
410 A.D. · invasion of the Western Goth
476 · dismissal of the last Roman emperor Romulus Augustulus, end of the (West)Roman Empire, the area of the today's Umbria belongs until 493 to the Empire of the Odoaker
540 · conquest by Byzantium (East Rome)
568/569 · Langobards conquest the today's Umbria and incorporate it into their empire
756 · the today's Umbria goes together with the Latium as fiefdom from the King of the Franks to the Pope ("Donation of Pippin"), establishment of the Papal States (Patrimonium Petri)
774 · conquest of Italy by the Franks, the Papal States persist
843 · at the division of the Frankish Empire the Papal States come to the Kingdom of Italy
961 · Otto I. brings the Papal States to the German Kingdom
1209 · a large part of the Duchy of Spoleto (today a part of Umbria) gets purchased from the Papal States (Patrimonium Petri)
1796 · Italy Campaign of Napoléon
1798 · French troops of Napoléon march into Rome, the Pope goes to Valence in France, the Papal States (Patrimonium Petri) become the "Roman Republic", in 1799 Papal States again, but is in 1809 annexed by France
1799 · withdrawal of the French troops, invasion of troops from the Kingdom of Naples, the "Roman Republic" ends
1801 · concordat with France, restore of the Papal States
1808 · Marches and the Romagna become separated by Napoléon from the Papal States and annexed to the Kingdom of Italy under King Napoléon I.
1815 · Congress of Vienna, restore of the Papal States
1860 · Umbria, Marches and the Romagna become annexed by Sardinia-Piedmont
17th of March 1861 · coronation of Victor Emmanuel II. of Sardinia-Piedmont to the King of the Kingdom of Italy
1947 · establishment of the Umbria region as administrative unit
Source: Meyers Konversationslexikon,
Atlas zur Geschichte,
Wikipedia (D)

The name of the region goes back to the tribe of the Umbrians, who settled here in the antiquity.
Source: Volker Preuß

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