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Chin State / Chinland / Mizoram




Meaning/Origin of the Flag


Numbers and Facts


Origin of the Country's Name


Flagge Fahne flag Chin Tschin Staat state Chinland
National flag of Chinland,
Source: Wikipedia (EN), Albert Poliakoff,
CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Flagge Fahne flag Chin Tschin Staat state Mizoram
National flag of the Chin State of Mizoram,
Source, by: Flags of the World


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

That Chin State, which is part of the Union of Burma, has its own flag, three stripes of blue, red and green and in the center a white disc with two hornbills on a flowering bush. However, many Chin – like many other peoples who have to live under Burmese dominance in Burma – strive for independence and there are various resistant militias and guerrillas who have their own flags. The Chin National Front (CNF) proclaimed the state of Chinland in 2023. The associated flag is that of the CNF, it shows three horizontal stripes in red, white and blue and in the middle a white disc with two hornbills on a branch. The white and blue flag with the red disk in the middle is said to be the symbol of an independent Chin state, the Chin State of Mizoram, which extends beyond the Chin territories in India (Indian state of Mizoram).

Source: Flags of the World, Wikipedia (EN), Volker Preuß




Source: Map is Freeware,
University of Texas Libraries,
modyfied by: Volker Preuß


Numbers and Facts

Area (claimed): ca. 22.000 square miles

Inhabitants (in the claimed area): 1.700.000

Capital (of the claimed area): Hakha

Languages: Chin, Bengali, Burmese

Time Zone: GMT + 6,5 h

Source: Wikipedia (DE), Wikipedia (EN)



The Chin (also Tchin, Mizo, Kuki) settle in the border area between India, Bangladesh and Burma. In India they live in the Federal State of Mizoram, in Burma in the Chin State, in Bangladesh in the areas of the Chittagong Hill Tracts. In all mentioned areas the Chin are cultural and even in their existence in tough distress. Against this conditions arised since the middle of the nineties a strong nationalism, which culminates in separatistic ambitions.

since 14th cent. · to the Awa-Empire (Burma)

1886 · British capture

1937 · on the occasion of the detachment of Burma from British-India Mizoram became divided

1942–1945 · partially Japanese occupied

4th of January in 1948 · independence of Burma

4th of January in 1974 · consolidation of all Chin-inhabited territorial administrative units into Chin State as part of the Union of Burma

2021 · intensification of the permanent civil war in Burma and also in the Chin State, many residents flee to Mizoram (India)

6th of December in 2023 · the Chin National Front establishes a constitution in the areas it occupies in Burma and proclaims the state of Chinland

Source: Die Völker der Erde, Wikipedia (EN), Volker Preuß


Origin of the Country's Name

Those territories in which the Chin live, organize themselves, govern themselves or live under Indian or Burmese dependency do not have a uniform name. The people's representatives are different political groups, some with armed militias, who give themselves and the country different names. After all, the people call themselves Chin, but they are also called Mizo or Kuki. The constituent state of the Union of Burma is called "Chin State". The Indian state in which the Chin (here called Mizo) make up 75% of the population is called "Mizoram". This is apparently also the name of the political project for an all-Chinese nation state. The Chin people of Burma, who continue to fight against the Burmese central government, proclaimed a state called "Chinland" in 2023.

Source: Volker Preuß



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