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historical Flags

Meaning/Origin of the Flag

Coat of Arms

Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms


Numbers and Facts


Origin of the Country's Name


Flagge Fahne flag Nationalflagge Handelsflagge Marineflagge national merchant naval flag Liberia
National, merchant and naval flag,
ratio = 10:19,
Source, by: Wikipedia (DE)

Flagge Fahne flag Liberia Gösch Jack
Naval Jack,
ratio = 1:1,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Liberia Zoll Customs
Customs flag,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Liberia Präsident president
Flag of the president,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: Flags of the World


historical Flags

Flagge Fahne flag Osmanisches Reich Ottoman Empire
National flag of the USA,
Source, by: Flaggen und Wappen der Welt

Flagge Fahne flag
National flag,
Source, by: Wikipedia (DE)


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

The today's flag of Liberia was introduced on the 26th of July in 1847. It shows eleven stripes in red and white, and in the blue upper staff corner a white five-pointed star. It is first of all a copying of the flag of the USA and should in this way document the political dependence of the republic from the United States resp. the US-American legacy of the founders of the state. The colours of the flag of Liberia are now given as follows: Blue = RGB 0|40|104, which would correspond to Pantone 281, Red = RGB 191|10|48, which would correspond to Pantone 193.

In the beginning of the colonization of Liberia by released black slaves from the USA was in Liberia in use the flag of the USA, the country was considered a colony of the USA. In the year 1827 the stars were removed from the flag and substituted by a white cross. Probably was the reason for that doing to avoid the ongoing modifications of this flag by new incorporated USA federal states. In the year 1845 there was an incident in the ocean with a British ship which did not know the flag. That is why they decide to proclaim the independence and to adope a flag which is better to differentiate from the flag of the USA. The number of the stripes became reduced to eleven and in the upper staff quadrant was positioned a white star. In this way the flag received its today's appearance. It was inroduced on the 26th of July in 1847 on the independence day.

The white star on the blue ground is the so named "Freedom Star". It should point at the case that Liberia should be "a lucid light in the dark continent", and that to the point in time of the foundation of Liberia this state ostensibly should have been the only independent state of Africa. The eleven stripes stand for the eleven signers of the declaration of independence. There were several attempts to conform the appearance of the flag in "African conditions", hitherto always unsuccessfully.

The flag of the President is a dark blue with the coat of arms in the middle. In every edge of the flag is one white star.

Source: Flaggen und Wappen der Welt, Die Welt der Flaggen, Flaggen Wappen Hymnen, Wikipedia (IT)


Coat of Arms

Wappen coat of arms Liberia
Coat of Arms of Liberia,
Source: Corel Draw 4


Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms

The coat of arms was introduced on 16th of July in 1847. It shows a golden bordered shield with a coastal scenery, a rising sun, a sailing ship, a white pigeon with a message and in the foreground a plow and a shovel near a palm tree. The shield should describe the history of nascence of the republic. The pigeon with the written message symbolizes the message of peace and of good will of the country to the nations of the world. In the white banner above the shield the motto of the country in black characters: "The Love of Liberty brought us here". In the white banner below the shield, likewise in black characters, the name of the country.

Source: Flaggen Wappen Hymnen



Quelle/Source: CIA World Factbook

Quelle/Source: CIA World Factbook


Numbers and Facts

Area: 43.000 square miles

Inhabitants: 5.358.483 (2022), thereof 4,7% Americo Liberians, Kpelle 20.3%, 13.4% Bassa, 10% Grebo, 8% Gio, 7.9% Mano, 6% Kru, m.o.m. and 0,3% Lebanese

Religions: 85% Christian, 12% Muslim, 0,6% Animist, 1,5% Non-Religious

Density of Population: 125 inh./sq.mi.

Capital: Monrovia, 970.824 inh. (2008)

official Language: English

other Languages: Kpelle, Mande, Kru Languages

Currencies: 1 Liberian Dollar (LRD, Lib$) = 100 Cents, 1 US-Dollar (USD, $) = 100 Cent

Time Zone: GMT

Source: Wikipedia (D), CIA World Factbook



1487 · the Portugese seafarer Bartolomëu Diaz discovers the today's coast of Liberia, that will be later known as Pepper Coast, a European colonization however follows not

1816 · foundation of the "American Colonization Society" for settlement of in the USA released black slaves in Africa

1822 · first free Blacks settle on the Pepper Coast

26th of July 1822 · establishment of the state of Liberia in the area of the today's Monrovia

1834 · establishment of the Black's Republic of Maryland near Cape Palmas

26th of July 1847 · Liberia becomes an independent republic, but remains for leastways 100 years dependent from the USA and temporary even from United Kingdom

1848–1856 · Liberia begins to submit the tribes of the Pepper Coast and expands also into the hinterland

1857 · the Black's Republic of Maryland becomes incorporated into Liberia

1862 · formal recognition of the independence of Liberia by the USA

1871 · Liberia has to lease its customs incomes because of economical reasons until 1911 to United Kingdom

1878 · the True Whig Party, the party of the Americo-Liberian elite comes to the power and remains until 1980 in function

1885 · Liberia fixes its today's borders to its neighbours

1906 · United Kingdom lends Liberia money again, but questions its independence

1911 · the decayed state's finances become internationalized

1914 · riot of the African inhabitants against the Ameriko-Liberian elite

1930 · riot of the African inhabitants against the Ameriko-Liberian elite

1942 · the USA occupy Liberia in the Second World War and establish a military base, Liberia has to join in the afteryears even actively in the war

1945 · suffrage for men of the African population

1980 · military coup d'état of the African residents under Master Sergeant Samuel Doe, Doe becomes new president

1986 · new constitution

1989 · the rebel movement of the Ameriko-Liberians the National Patriotic Front (NPF) under Charles Taylor begins the resistance against Doe

1990 · assassination of Doe by Ameriko-Liberian Johnson's militias, a wing of the NPF, enduring civil war

1997 · ultimatum for disarmament of the civil war parties, elections for parliament and president, Charles Taylor becomes president

1998 · attempted coup d'état against Taylor

1999 · struggles with Anti-Taylor-Militias

2003 · struggles and riots against Charles Taylor, he leaves the country

Quelle: Atlas zur Geschichte, Wikipedia (D), Discovery '97


Origin of the Country's Name

The name "Liberia" has its roots in the Latin word "Libertas" or also in the English word "Liberty". "Liberia" means because of that "Country of Freedom". This is a hint for the foundation-myth of this state, the settlement of released black slaves on their native continent Africa.

Source: Volker Preuß




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