The flag of Nassau was created in 1815 by combining the liveries-colours of the three Nassau lines Nassau-Usingen, Nassau-Weilburg and Nassau-Orange, said silver and gold have been let paths. The coat of arms was common for all lines.
Volker Preuß

Coat of arms of Nassau Nassau,
Source, by: Heraldique Europeenne

The coat of arms of the dynasty Nassau, which arised in the 12th century, showed red armed golden lion with a crown on a blue shield with golden tiles.
Volker Preuß

Cockade of Nassau,
Source: Jürgen Kaltschmitt → H.u.R.Knötel/H.Sieg, "Farbiges Handbuch der Uniformkunde", Seite 105

National (oval Cockade) of Nassau,
Source: Jürgen Kaltschmitt → H.u.R.Knötel/H.Sieg, "Farbiges Handbuch der Uniformkunde", Seite 105
The cockades of the three Nassau duchies up to 1806 were monochrome black. Presumably – as in other German states – coloured cockades were introduced during or after the Napoléonic era, which were designed as a golden-blue national (oval cockade) for the only one Duchy of Nassau, which existed from 1815.

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Hand-Atlas für die Geschichte des Mittelalters und die neueren Zeit von Spruner und Menke
The map shows the territory of the duchies of Nassau in the 17th and 18th centuries in brown color.

Area: 1.875 square miles
Inhabitants: 465 636 (1865)
Density of Population: 248 inh./sq.mi. (1865)
Capital: to 1816 Weilburg, from 1816 Wiesbaden
Currency to 1838: 1 Gulden = 60 Kreuzer und 1 Taler = 162 Kreuzer
Currency 1838-1842: 1 Taler = 3,5 Gulden = 210 Kreuzer
Currency 1842–1868: 1 Taler = 3,5 Gulden = 210 Kreuzer = 840 Heller
Source: Wikipedia (D)

1120 · first mention of the Counts of Nassau
18th century · three main lines of Nassau: Nassau-Usingen, Nassau-Weilburg and Nassau-Diez (later Nassau-Orange)
30th of August in 1806 · the Duchy of Nassau (Nassau-Usingen) and the Principality of Nassau (Nassau-Weilburg) merge into the Duchy of Nassau
1st of June in 1815 · the lands of Nassau-Orange (they became kings of the Netherlands) got annexed for the most part to Nassau
1816 · the residence is moved from Weilburg to Wiesbaden
1866 · defeat of Nassau and its allies under the leadership of the House of Habsburg in the fratricidal war against Prussia, overthrow of the rule of the Nassau dynasty, Nassau becomes also merged with the dissoluted Electorate of Hesse-Kassel and the former Free City of Frankfurt to the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau on 7th of December in 1868
Wikipedia (D),
Atlas zur Geschichte,
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